· We have one male and one female Persian kitten...
Texas - TX
·Price: $1500
Persians for Sale & Adoption
Looking for the most popular cat breed in the world? You found it. It's the Persian. This breed is super sweet, affectionate, and gentle in almost any home, once they get used to that home. Of course, if you're adopting and bringing a Persian into your house or apartment for the very first time, allow him or her to acclimate for a while to get used to things. He or she will eventually come out of hiding and will integrate into your family soon enough. These are highly adaptable cats. After they become comfortable with their living situations, they generally roll with the punches, no matter how exciting they are. These are great pets for kids and adults, with their quiet meow and their companionable nature. Just remember, while this breed of cat wholeheartedly enjoys playing, because of its dense bones structure, shorter legs, and heavier bodies, they're not great at jumping long or high distances. They're most content when walking around on the ground. And because of this, you'll rarely see them attempting to climb things. Usually, you'll see them cruising around from room to room or snoozing on some window sill somewhere taking a nap. Persians are easy to get along with and are a very pleasurable cat to own.
Because these cats are gentle and have long hair, they'll require protection from the elements and dangers of living out of doors. What this means is that you'll need to keep your Persian inside if you decide to buy or adopt one. Also, these cats do require regular grooming, which can take the form of daily combing, occasional bath, and a trimming of the front and rear nails when necessary. Also, if you acquire this cat as a kitten, you can make your life much easier by acclimating him or her to bath water then. It's much easier than to do this when they've grown to adulthood. Persians are wonderful cats and come in all sorts of colors. Locate a breeder today to find your next best friend.
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