· She had two boys and I want to prevent them...
Alabama - AL
·Price: $150
Chinchillas for Sale & Adoption
For the right person, a Chinchilla can be a great pet. For someone who isn't aware of the behaviors of many Chinchillas, this might not be the best pet to get. These animals have very thick fur that protects them from the cold temperatures and high winds of their native lands. These rodents were originally found in the foothills of the western Chile mountains. Since this animal's fur is so thick, it's important to remember that it shouldn't get wet. Chinchillas take dust baths as opposed to baths with water. And since their fur is so protective and warm, these little guys can easily overheat in areas that get too warm. They can actually die from heat stroke if the temperature reaches over 75 degrees. So if you love your house or apartment hot, don't get one of these animals as a pet.
Chinchillas are fairly small animals, but are on the larger size when compared to other rodents. On average, Chinchillas measure about eight to 15 inches from front to back, not including their three to six inch long tail. They can live up to 15-20 years if well taken care of as pets. They're also big jumpers too. They've been seen jumping six feet or more. Chinchillas have been described as naughty active little creatures. They're most active at night and can make a lot of noise while they play. If you enjoy your sleep, you may want to reconsider this pet. They're also extremely messy. You'll be doing a lot of cage cleaning and cleaning up the dust they spray all over the place after they take their dust baths. Constant cage cleaning is a must as well, so be prepared for that.
When it comes to handling Chinchillas, it's important to socialize these pets when they are babies. If you hold your baby Chinchilla often while it's young, it'll likely grow up to be friendly enough to carry around as an adult. Remember though, while these may appear to be cuddly animals, they'd prefer not to cuddle.
When it comes to buying and selling both adult and baby Chinchillas online, we have what you're looking for. This is a short list of different species and types you may find on our website: long-tailed Chinchillas and short-tailed Chinchillas.
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