
Featured Pet Sitting in Farmington, Maine

  • Thread starter LauraG
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Apr 18, 2019
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Pets Home Alone? I can help. Pet sitting by Laura G. I offer reliable pet sitter care for your dogs, cats or other small pets in the comfort of their own homes while you are away. I have over 20 years of experience with animals that includes managing a cat sanctuary, working in animal hospitals and have worked as a licensed veterinarian technician. I am comfortable with administering medications, injections and more of what your pet may need. I truly enjoy spending time with animals and I would like to meet yours. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me (207) 385-0198. You can also find me on Facebook at for more details about my services. Serving Industry, Madison, Anson and Farmington, Maine.


My life began with a German Shepherd Collie mix. When I was a baby, my father brought him home from the animal shelter for my mother on Valentine's Day. His name was Theodore, but my parents changed his name to Bernie. Bernie and I grew up together and we lost him when he was fourteen years old. Since the loss of Bernie, I have had many dogs and cats and other small animals to enjoy and take care of. I have over 20 years experience with animals that include managing a cat sanctuary, working in animal hospitals and working as a licensed veterinarian technician. I am comfortable with administering medications, injections and more of what your pet may need.
Industry, Madison, Anson, Farmington
Maine - ME
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Another satisfied kitty! I've been taking care of Callie every few weeks for a few months now while her parents go away on vacation and to visit family. I've been pet sitting her in my own home because her parents and I agreed that her being cared for and played with round the clock would be so much better for her (and less expensive) than me making periodic visits throughout the day to her house. She joined me for Christmas and a few other holiday weekends. She even stayed with me for an entire week once. She was thrilled with that because I kept her fed and entertained. I spoiled her rotten!

I'd like to let you know that I now offer in-home pet sitting and pet day care. So, if you'd like to drop your cat off at my home while you travel, go away, or go to work during the day, you are more than welcome to. I've cared for a few dogs in my home as well. I walk the dogs multiple times throughout the day and they love every minute of it. I love it too because, well, I just love dogs. Whether it be a cat or a dog, let me know what you're interested in. We can work something out.

Until my next update,


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